Thursday 14 October 2010

Outreach Centre

The outreach centre was created to help the older generation impove and learn new computer skills, using a range of different softwares for example: adobe photoshop, microsoft word, microsoft puplisher and internet explorer. We did this because it gives us work experiance. Fiona and i visited the outreach centre at St Phillips Church on the 29th of September 2010. The main things that i helped with were: editing on adobe photoshop, helping with the layout on microsoft word and i also helped a lady called Stella send an email to her daughter and taught her how to attatch a photo to the message and helped her with any troubles she came across. I found this to be a very good experience, because as as well as teaching them to do things that i already knew how to do i also learnt new skill along the way and i my teaching skills have been further developed.