Thursday 27 January 2011

I visited the Outreach Center for the 6th time on the 26th of Janruary, i went with 4 other people from my class, Fiona Lee, Hannah Pring, Becky Davidson and Emily Crane. The main thing i had to do make cards on publisher for Peter and Eric as it was their birthday. After i had made them they were passed around the room for everyone to sign and at the end of the day i gave Eric his card. When Ian turned up i helped him to set up his laptop and got him started in word where he continued to do his work. I also sat with Martin and watched some of the film with him. After that Teresa asked me to make sure that everyone there had signed in and if they hadn't to ask them to.

Monday 17 January 2011

I visited the Outreach Center for the 5th time on the 12th of Janruary, i went with 4 other people from my class, Fiona Lee, Hannah Pring, Becky Davidson and Emily Crane. The main thing i had to do was to help make a plan for Margret as she was going to be using Movie Maker the following week, so i had to help her chose what photo's she woud be using in her 'Grandchildren' slide show and what effect she would be using. i also taught her how to make a picture, dragging the corner in but she usualy dragged the picture in from the side which made the photo thinner rather than smaller so she was glad that she now knew how to do it. Then i helped John to make a front cover for his calendar that he made the week before and i tought him how copy the picture and paste it to the word document. I also taught him how to add a header where he would put his name. I then hapled Heather and Mayble to use photoshop.