Friday 27 May 2011

I visited the Outreach Center for the 13th time on the 25th of May, i went with 4 other people from my class, Fiona Lee, Hannah Pring, Emily Crane and Rebecca Davidson. The main thing i did today was to help John to print out his work that he'd done on 2D-Design, but we experienced problems as it printed out too small or too big and when it was the right size it wouldn't work as the page margin was too big so instead of using Adobe Photoshop i used Paint as i know that you can change the size easier and from past experiences it is a lot easier to use. After printing it off succestully i then helped Marian to set up Spider Solitare as she couldn't remember how to. Then Martin arrived and i set up the DVD player for him as he wanted to watch Toy Story 3.
I visited the Outreach Center for the 12th time on the 11th of May, i went with 3 other people from my class, Fiona Lee, Hannah Pring and Emily Crane. The first thing i did today was help set up all the computers and get the logged on and ready to use. The next thing i did was help Hazel set up her laptop and help her get started. This week was very quiet and not many people wen't so there wasn't much to do but we helped take orders for sandwhitches and then hand them out, this was a good task for us to do as we were able to learn the newer people's names and test ourselves when it came to giving them out.
I visited the Outreach Center for the 11th time on the 27th of April, i went with 4 other people from my class, Fiona Lee, Hannah Pring, Emily Crane and Becky Davidson. The first thing i did today was help set up all the computers and also helped Hazel set up her computer and get her started with her e-mails. I then i helped helped people use movie maker and helped them add pictures and taught them how to add an effect on it so that it wouldn't just appear picture after picture but it will fade in or another effect.I also set up Martins DVD so that he would be able to watch his DVD.