Thursday 31 March 2011

I visited the Outreach Center for the 10th time on the 30th of March, i went with 4 other people from my class, Fiona Lee, Hannah Pring, Emily Crane and Becky Davidson. The first thing i did today was help Cyril starting from the basics of just logging onto the computer as he doesn't have much experience with computers to he isn't familar with them enough to know how to do it. I then transfered his work that he did the week before onto his own memory stick as everyone has their own. after doing that i helped him learn how to then open up the files he had done by going through "my computer" and he then tried to do it on his own, opening up the files he did last lesson then he carried on with writting up his work and i went and helped Margret and Janet as they were experiencing problems with photoshop. Margret couldn't work out how to add the photos to her collage so i taught her that you double on the photo that she wanted to go on the bottom and then to drag the photos onto the background. and then Janet wasn't able to see the pictures that she wanted to add so i had to try and find out why it wasn't showing her them and it was because she didn't tick the box to show open files so then from then she could work out what she needed to do. And then i helped pack away the laptops as people started to leave.

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